Happy new year! As of this week, the final Royal Rewards book, LADY NOTORIOUS, is available again. Cass and George’s love story is a grumpy-sunshine tale with a practical investigator hired by a duke’s charming son to solve a society mystery.

This is a reissue of a book originally published in 2019–so if you read it then, it’s the same love story. But if you haven’t read it yet, this is the edition I’d love you to check out. I’ve made small changes to the pacing and added even more fun.

In LADY NOTORIOUS, you’ll find Bow Street Runners, a fiendish tontine wager, early experiments in photography, life-changing hand pies, flirting at a fish market, and lots of banter. George is a happy-hearted charmer and Cass has no time for nonsense. I hope you’ll enjoy seeing how they balance each other and fall in love!

Ebook: amazonapplebarnes & noblekobo

Print:  amazon