I’ve regained the rights to many of my historical romances, which means some of them are temporarily out of print while I shine them up and get them ready to republish. Earlier this year, the Romance of the Turf books were individually reissued–and for the first time, they are also available in audio format and as a box set.
Coming up next? The Season for [Insert Abstract Noun Here] series–officially, the Holiday Pleasures series–is getting an updated look, with new titles that will tell you more about the stories within. I’ll be able to bring them to you at a lower digital price, too.
Next week, on August 23, the book originally known as Season for Temptation will be republished as The Viscount’s Inconvenient Temptation.

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On September 20, the second Holiday Pleasures book (originally titled Season for Surrender) will be republished as The Earl’s Holiday Wager.

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In October, The Baron’s Marriage Gamble will follow, and in November, the series will conclude with The Rogue’s Treasure Hunt.
All of these books are getting a light edit, but they’re essentially the same love stories they always were. I’m making the original title part of each book’s description on my site and on retail sites, so hopefully it’ll be easy to tell whether you’ve read it before. Print editions will become available for each book right around the digital release dates.
Guess I’d better get back to work! 🙂