Thanksgiving is drawing near in the USA, and I’ve got much to be grateful for. At long last, the Romance of the Turf series is wrapped up with the release of His Wayward Bride! Jonah and Irene’s love story released as an ebook on November 5, and a print edition is now available too. It’s mass market sized, so it’ll line up beautifully with the other Romance of the Turf stories on your shelf. (I might possibly be a perfectionist.)

His Wayward Bride is my third book this year–fourth, if you count the reissue of The Sport of Baronets*–which is a pretty swift pace for me. As I mentioned last month, I’ve been on deadline for the eight years since the release of my first romance, during which time I’ve written 20 more novels and novellas.

But over the past several years, a trio of chronic health conditions have worsened steadily, and each book has become harder for me to write. Ultimately, I’ve been proud of every book once I finished it, but my body and brain are worn out.

Which brings us to the hiatus of this post’s title. I’ve been thinking about what I could step back from, and the answer I’ve regretfully come to is social media. I love the chance to connect with readers and fellow authors, but I need to try something different for a while.

So, at the end of this week I’ll begin an online hiatus from my social media accounts. I’m not sure how long the hiatus will be. It’ll be a surprise to all of us! I’ll leave my accounts open, as I look forward to returning to you all once I’m healthier. In the meantime, be sure you’re subscribed to my newsletter for news and exclusives. You can also follow me on BookBub to be alerted to sale prices on my books.

Much love, dear readers, and take care. I’m thankful for you. Truly. <3

*Correction: Er, actually it’s the fifth release! A Novella Collection came out in May.