It’s summer! At least, it is according to the school calendar here. Little Miss R has finished elementary school (!!) and begun her summer break, so I’m in a scramble of day camps and playdates as I work toward my next deadline. (It’s for His Wayward Bride, and I should be able to share more info soon.)

This month marked the release of A Novella Collection, which pulls together four stand-alone novellas at a discounted ebook price. I’ve just reviewed and approved the final proof for the print edition, so I’d expect that to go live early next week. The print edition is going to be a lovely trade paperback–I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy.

I’ve also just received the ebook edition of How to Ruin a Duke, beautifully formatted by writing partner Grace Burrowes. For this title, the print edition will go up first–maybe even early next week! Then the ebook will come out on the official release day, which is June 11.

For self-published works–which this is–it’s not possible to put up a print edition for pre-order. It’s available for purchase as soon as the link goes live. So that’s why I don’t have a print link for you yet, but as soon as I do, you’ll be able to order the print edition.

Yesterday I recorded a podcast with author Julia Kelly and her sister Justine, the co-hosts of You’re Never Going to Read This. Every episode is warm, fun, and a little cheeky. I heartily encourage you to get caught up! My episode with the sisters will air sometime in June, perhaps around the middle of the month. We talked about everything from my new releases to the book club I’ve accidentally founded within my family, and there are LOTS of book recommendations.

And finally, my Facebook readers’ group enjoyed a book club discussion of Lisa Kleypas’s Devil’s Daughter earlier this month. The book club is a quarterly affair, but I’ll be offline in August (see above re: summer and the child care struggle). So the group voted to wait on the next book club until November rather than cramming in another discussion ASAP. Apart from our formal quarterly book club, we share weekly what-are-you-reading recommendation posts, and I post giveaways and sneak peeks at what I’m working on. If you haven’t yet joined the group, I’d love to see you there!